For Vulva Owners: Getting Comfy “Down There”

Do you have a vulva? Pussy? Cunt? Twat? Whatever language you use to describe this body part, how comfortable are you with this area? The only thing I will nit pick (This isn’t really nit picking, it’s correcting misuse of terminology.) The vulva is the whole structure and all it encompasses including the inner and outer … Continue reading

You Are More Than A Body Part

Back in June while I was at school, we were exposed to many panelists and some media that could potentially push our buttons sexually. Some things were easier to take than others. Not much can shock me any more. Believe me when I say that I do have plenty of areas that can still elicit … Continue reading

Sex and Gender

Growing up and living in a hetero-centric society, many people, especially those who identify as heterosexual (straight) and whose gender matches their born sex, never spend any time questioning or pondering their sexual orientation or their gender. It can be challenging to imagine other experiences if we cannot relate to them. As always when perusing … Continue reading

Masturbation May! More fun, All Year Long!

There is a lot that a we can do to make ourselves feel fabulous. Masturbation is one of them. It is a way to release our tensions both sexual and otherwise. But, if you do it in the same way every time, it might actually get boring. We wouldn’t want that. In this post, I … Continue reading