I’m Moving!

Hello Dear Readers! I’ve got some pretty awesome news! I’ve made changes to my website [SexologistVixenne.com] so that it is now more blog friendly. It is still a work in progress, but it’s already pretty great! I want to invite you all to visit me over there because that is where I will be doing … Continue reading

Review: Aneros Evi

Aneros Evi and my snazzy new manicure

I’ve been looking forward to trying out the Evi for over a year. So I was thrilled when I was given the chance to try it out in exchange for an unbiased review. A Rant, to Begin… I’d only ever seen the Evi displayed on store shelves, so I never really got into the details … Continue reading

My Sexy Gifting Guide

If you are looking to give a sexy gift this holiday season (or any time of year, really) take a gander at this list I’ve compiled with my top favorites. Please realize that every body is different. Trial and error is how we find the toys that make us purr with delight. [When I can, … Continue reading

For Vulva Owners: Getting Comfy “Down There”

Do you have a vulva? Pussy? Cunt? Twat? Whatever language you use to describe this body part, how comfortable are you with this area? The only thing I will nit pick (This isn’t really nit picking, it’s correcting misuse of terminology.) The vulva is the whole structure and all it encompasses including the inner and outer … Continue reading

A Lesson in Permission-giving: Or what happened when I didn’t want to masturbate

[You’re in for a treat, dear readers – this one has quite a bit of self disclosure.] People who know me, know that I LOVE masturbation. My blog readers may have even sensed a theme — it’s a topic I’ve written a lot about. I even have a list of my favorite things.  If it’s possible … Continue reading

Feathers, Floggers, and Crops Oh My!

October has been dubbed National Kink Month by the Stockroom. But what is this term? What does “kink” mean? What is it like to be “kinky?” These words are umbrella terms for a wide variety of activities and there are as many examples of kink and kinkiness as there people who play around with these. … Continue reading